Home » Guide to Create an Amazon Listing: A Complete Guide [2024]

Guide to Create an Amazon Listing: A Complete Guide [2024]

Amazon is among the top players among sellers who want to sell their products online. There’s plenty of competition which is why making sure you have the best product descriptions is crucial. Making this a priority will give you an edge in your place in the Amazon buy box and will increase the overall sales.

What is the process of having optimized listings that meet all of Amazon’s rules? With a myriad of factors beyond our control, it’s vital to do everything within your control to ensure your listing stands out. The process of optimizing the product listing can bring many benefits, including improving the CTR (click-through rate) search visibility, and CR (conversion percentage).

There are a variety of elements that can be nailed down We’re here to offer you the tools needed to accomplish that. In this article, we’ll attempt to go through items like titles, images reviews of customers, and so on. We’ll also cover different features of the listings, such as how to make them compatible using Amazon’s SEO (search engine optimization) and how you can manage your inventory most efficiently. Let’s get started!

Create Amazon product titles that can be converted

The titles on your listings serve two main objectives: they assist customers locate your products and make them click for more information. They’re one of the primary aspects of your listings that customers will be aware of when browsing Amazon and are among the most crucial aspects to be able to do. A well-written product title will not only enhance your brand, but it will help increase sales by helping customers locate your product through relevant search results.

When it comes to writing titles, there are Amazon guidelines that you must be aware of, as well as optimization strategies. Let’s get started with the basics.

Amazon’s title guidelines

It is the length that defines the title the most crucial aspect length – it must not exceed 200 words. Amazon specifically states that items with titles that are over this limit will be filtered out of results for searches. This is to avoid keyword stuffing, whereby people create falsely long titles to get a higher rank in results in search. It’s also important to comprehend Amazon’s goals – it needs your name to “assist the customer in understanding the product”.

There are additional rules that you must keep in mind:

  • Make sure to capitalize the first letter of every word, however, don’t capitalize all letters of a word. However, there are exceptions to this. words such as “and”, “for”, “the”, and “an” as well as “in”. These words should be written in all lowercase.
  • Use numbers instead of words (i.e. 5, instead of).
  • If the item is a package, indicate the number of items contained in the package.
  • Use measurement words in a way like “inch” rather than abbreviating them.
  • Include the size and color when it’s relevant and/or the product is available in a variety of sizes or colors.

Be careful not to include these things: 

  • Particular character (“! “, “?” etc). That includes “&”. It is best to spell it out with lowercase letters (i.e. “and”).
  • Price
  • Quantity (unless it’s pertinent, for instance, a box of socks)
  • Information about you
  • Phrases for promotion (“sale”, “offer”, “free shipping”, etc.))
  • Subjective commentary (i.e., “bestseller”)

How to optimize your titles

It is important to include several components in your titles that will make them more suitable for Amazon generally following this sequence:

  1. Brand name – in the majority of instances, this should be the first line of your name.
  2. Keywords – Keywords are important because they define your product’s capabilities and also explain the user’s search.
  3. Model numbers as well as other specific elements (color or quantity dimensions) This helps customers to compare different models

With a third-party application such as AmazonBacker, You can access the data from your feed and arrange it in the order that is required.

What do good titles look like?

Let’s begin by presenting an example of a name for a product trying to accomplish more than it should:

Are you exhausted from trying to understand it well? While the title includes terms like ‘Silicone Kitchen Utensils for cooking’, to aid it in its visibility perspective it could also benefit from some improvement.

Here’s an example of the best name for a similar product:

The product is a short product title that includes all the information needed inside it that will appear in relevant product searches. They were able to show that there are many tools included with the use of “set” instead of listing every tool.

The ideal length for titles for products is less than 80 characters. However, Amazon allows up to 200 characters. According to Amazon titles that are smaller than 80 characters can make it easier for buyers to locate – and eventually purchase the item. Sellers who do not have enough titles for their products may see their products being censored (aka hidden). Amazon also offers guidelines for title structure separated by category.

Let’s examine the clothing. If you’re selling clothes you’ll notice that it comes with the strictest format guidelines:

  • Apparel Parent Product Name Brand + department or size plus product name
    Example: Nike, Men’s Running Shoes, Rosherun.
  • Child Product Name Department and/or size + name of the product + size and color
    Example: Nike, Men’s Running Shoes, Rosherun, 9 M UK, Gray

Making sure your brand is prominently featured in the title of your products will increase brand recognition in the eyes of customers.

Let your images speak for themselves

Once the buyer lands on the product page the images will do most of the selling. But like the other elements, Amazon has some guidelines you need to follow. 

Amazon image requirements 

The most important things to take in mind when choosing the images for your Amazon listing include:

  • Make sure you use a white background.
  • Display the entire product, but only show what’s included in the listing of the product.
  • The image should be able to cover at least 80 percent of the photo.
  • Check that the image has at or above 1000 DPI (dots per inch). This ensures that the image is clear as the user zooms in.

There are many things to consider about your image that could cause a quality warning from Amazon.

Here’s the list of don’ts: 

  • Incorporating promotional text on images like “sale” or “offer”
  • Accessories that are not included
  • Utilizing images that have borders, watermarks, or ornaments, in particular on the primary image.
  • Drawings or sketches
  • Using placeholder images

It is important to consider the above and anything that assists customers make a purchase decision is ok. For instance, typically it is best to only display what’s included in the product description however, using images that include another object to show the product’s appearance can be helpful.

How to optimize your images 

To help make the images that you have listed stand out, use these tips to optimize your listings:

  • As numerous images as permitted
  • Include the product’s identifier in the name of your document (the Amazon ASIN)
  • Make use of professional photos whenever you can.

If you’re making the photo yourself, ensure it’s bright and sharp.

This is an illustration of the list using well-designed images:

All of your images should not be of your products. Also, consider infographics! Infographics are useful images (that are usually paired with text) that provide lots of information in a short time. Use them to highlight certain aspects such as materials, uses, and features.

If you’re a visual-oriented learner, then you’re part of 65% of the world’s population an enterprise. People might not have the time to go through the details on your listing page for products. However, they are more likely to look through your images.

This video shows the different parts of this accessory package in motion. It also does an excellent job of providing specific details in terms of advantages.

Descriptions of the product and the bullet points section

As with other sites, you sell your products the product, this is the area to inform your clients about your product in depth. The part that is more specific for Amazon uses bullet points that are separated from the rest of the part of the description’s paragraph.

They are both places in which you can sell your goods. Because someone shopping on Amazon may not have enough time to scroll down to the end of your page, you should place the most important details in bullet points. After that, you can go into the details of your description.

How to optimize your bullet points

The bullet points section is placed on the top of pages, allowing you to draw your client’s attention and concentrate on the main selling points.

They’re intended to be fast and simple to read, therefore, ensure that your text does not do exactly the opposite. For instance, avoid using lengthy paragraphs, technical terminology, or a lot of flowery words. Also, avoid keyword stuffing.

There are five bullet points to choose from to use, and Amazon provides clear guidelines on what you need to include, and in what order. It is best to follow these guidelines, while also including keywords. There are a variety of guidelines to follow, such as that you do not include the price or any promotional words like “sale”.

As well as Amazon’s guidelines Here are some bullet-point optimization strategies:

  • Utilize keywords, enhancing the keywords included in the title as well as introducing new keywords.
  • Make sure you write clearly and separate the distinct points on the same line using an apostrophe. This will make it easier to get more organized.
  • Be sure that the five bullet points can be easily read. Writing in fragments, not in full sentences and punctuated is the best way to go.
  • To make your listing stand out from the crowd make sure you write about the advantages instead of listing specific features.

For a demonstration of the last aspect, take a look at the bullet points of the mixer’s product listing in the example above:

Even if you’re not searching for a KitchenAid Mixer you may be right now! They emphasized the particular advantages of selling points instead of simply listing them.

How can you optimize your product descriptions?

Like Google Product descriptions on Amazon aren’t required to be distinctive. This means that you can duplicate the entirety a portion or all of the descriptions.

There are a few essential elements you need to ensure are present, however:

  • The description should be complete and describe the product while highlighting the advantages of owning the product to the buyer
  • It should contain keywords
  • It should be simple to understand
  • Grammar and spelling are vital.
  • Use HTML formatting (like that will result in paragraphs)
  • The last thing to mention is that HTML formatting can ensure that your product stands out and makes your page easy to understand.

The following example employs HTML formatting:

It is possible to have a max of 2000 characters which can be quite restrictive, which is why descriptions of products must be short, concise, and beneficial to the consumer.

In this case, KitchenAid kept it simple but still informative. It’s a good example of well-written product description:

Do you see the difference?

Its description on the front is concise and offers valuable details. Its description below is useful but it doesn’t make you feel happy about buying new socks. This is a chance to provide valuable information to your customers as well as increase your SEO on Amazon – making use of two short sentences is maybe not the best way to accomplish this.

To ensure that you have the most effective descriptions of your products, consider using the following guidelines:

1. Be aware of who your customers are.

Find out your audience rather than thinking it is. It is possible that your product would be ideal for the specific persona of your customer However, you might be shocked. Once you have a clear understanding of the type of customer you’re selling your product to, you can begin writing the product’s description.

You can ask yourself these questions while creating descriptions of your products with your clients in your head:

  • What are they looking to read?
  • What are the features they are likely to be searching for?
  • How do you address them? What voice do be use when you address your clients?
2. Look for a copy that is simple and quick to go through

Online shoppers are prone to a short time to read, but they might be required to read the entire description of the item.

Use formats that break up chunks of text, such as subheadings, bullet points, and bullet points, and change the text size to help push more important information forward while improving the user experience by making it simpler to read.

3. Create a first draft

Before you start creating content that will help your business’s position on search engines make something that communicates to your clients on their level. Take into consideration the most common questions customers ask and offer helpful details that aid them in understanding the product.

Think about the advantages and features of your products. Make sure to position this in a manner that is appealing to your clients to convince buyers to purchase. Making use of persuasive words in this instance can help you promote your product, which will aid in boosting sales. I’d like to add this sentence in the bracket of green it takes a competent writer to write persuasive descriptions, but it’s well worth it.

4. SEO

If you are thinking about how to improve your SEO for search engines, it is recommended that the engine be treated as a human being. If the user experience is good your search engine is likely going to view the same way.

Offer Tab

On Amazon it is necessary to create an offer that comprises setting price levels, including SKUs for sellers, describing the condition of your products, and choosing your preferred delivery method.

Listing price

The price of products could affect the quantity of sales and development. To establish a price competitive strategy, you must study competitors and alter prices to come up with an appealing price range that is specific to your particular market.

Before deciding on pricing You should look at prices, take into consideration shipping costs, conduct A/B testing using prices, keep track of your product’s performance in the Brand Dashboard, and try to maintain positive reviews of your products.

Seller SKU

The Contribution SKU is a unique code that is used to identify a particular product within your inventory. The code is intended exclusively for internal use This means it’s not accessible to customers.

The goal of the Contribution SKU is to allow you to keep an eye on your inventory effortlessly. The code may comprise numbers, letters, or a mix of both. It’s typically customized to suit the requirements of your business. For instance, you may utilize a particular code for an item line or a particular type of item.

With Contribution SKUs Contribution SKU, you will be able to control your inventory more effectively track the performance of your products, and make data-driven choices for your company. It can also help you discern which products are selling effectively and which ones require more focus.


In deciding what product to offer it is important to determine the condition of the product, whether it’s used, new, or falls into another category. This is important because it could have an impact on the pricing and marketing strategies that you select to apply.

For example, selling brand new items will usually demand an increased price for sale since they are in perfect state, whereas used products could be priced lower because they might have a little wear and tear. Also, selling products that fall into a distinct class, like damaged or refurbished goods will require a different pricing and marketing method in general.

Fulfillment channel

If you are selling products on the internet it is important to determine the method of delivery to the customers you sell them to. There are two choices: Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or Merchant Fulfilled (FBM).

For FBA, Amazon takes care of all shipping and customer service, for an additional cost. However, with FBM you must complete everything yourself, including packaging and shipping orders, as well as handling customer queries and returns.

The decision to choose between these two options is based on your company’s needs and the quantity of products you sell, as well as the shipping capabilities of your business. FBA is the more convenient option, but is costly, whereas FBM takes more effort, however, it gives you more control over fulfillment.

Becoming Amazon SEO-friendly 

Remember that Amazon is an engine for searching by itself, with its algorithms, including A9. It is a bit like Google in a few ways, however, it also makes decisions that are exclusive to A9.

There are additional factors to take into consideration when determining rank on Amazon:

  • CTR (click-through rate). This is a measure of whether the customers are finding the information they’re seeking in your product.
  • CTS (click to go to sales). CTS has precedence over CTR. If your product was competing against a product with an increased CTR however, you have an increased number of clicks to sales, then your product will be positioned over the product of your competition.
  • Keywords. You’ve chosen (you may be asked to input seven of them) but they are not visible to search engines other than your own like Google They are used for choosing your particular category.
  • Content. Like conventional search engines, the A9 takes a look at the content on your sales website by taking into account your keyword density as well as text ratio.
  • Reviews. It’s a simple fact, Amazon places a vast amount of emphasis on customer satisfaction and experience.

How to choose your search keywords

Since keywords comprise an important component of your product’s appearance on the search results page of Amazon and other search results, let’s take a look further into choosing the most relevant keywords. They assist you in deciding on keywords or phrases you’d prefer to see your product appear when a user searches on Amazon.

In the case of search keywords, you can use five fields where you can enter your keywords – each field has a maximum of 50 characters that can include more than one term, separated by spaces (note don’t break up your words with commas).

Because your product’s name is already listed, you don’t have to add these keywords as keywords. Similar to how you already have the UPC, EAN, and Merchant are present, and, in addition, there’s no need to squander the precious space for keywords to include these keywords.

Here are some suggestions to assist with Search Keywords:

  • If it’s not the language of your customers, stay clear of using terms they’re likely to use
  • Make sure to use only the relevant words and terms.

It may sound evident, but in reality, it’s easy to forget this when focusing on the advantages and features that your item offers.

If you’re searching for the ideal keywords, look at Google’s Keyword Tool to find the most important keywords. Then, search for the word on Amazon and it will prompt you to look to search for alternative terms, like entering a different letter next to the word to get other suggestions.

Product information 

This is a particular area that many sellers ignore completely or don’t pay enough consideration to. In this section, buyers will discover every technical as well as precise information that will influence their purchase choice. Imagine that you’re in search of the ideal desk for inside your office at home. The size might be an important element in this case. If a listing contains information that is more prominent than another, it may have a higher chance of succeeding in the sale.

In the information section of the product In the product information section, you can include details such as the dimensions of the product and mass, ASIN, and best seller rank.

Here are a few reasons to not overlook the specification of the product in the description:

  • The specifications of your product can help an item stand out
  • They may contain crucial details to aid the buyer in making an informed decision
  • They can improve your visibility on Amazon in particular when your product information page is more comprehensive and helpful to buyers than the competitors

This last aspect is essential to be successful in defining specifications for products – making them as exact as you can.

Customer reviews 

It’s probably not a surprise that items with a high percentage of reviews are positively superior on Amazon, particularly on results pages for searches. We as a species are inclined to believe in word of the mouth. The more opinions there are to support it, the more reliable the consensus appears. This is the same when consumers are comparing similar items.

This is a good example of the differences between the French press with tons of reviews, and one that only has four reviews. You may be willing to shell out a few more dollars to purchase the more reliable one.

Therefore, you should encourage reviews from your customers on your products as frequently as you can. Amazon assists you in doing this by offering you the option to ask for comments from the customers.

It is also possible to optimize and streamline the administration of this process by using an automated feedback request tool. This will continue the process of building trust that can entice customers to click the Buy Now button.

The benefit of having reviews is that you can use customer feedback. When you’ve collected a significant amount, make sure to go through them and take notes of the reasons people are drawn to your product. This information can be used later to improve your selling points in your content and provide you with relevant keywords that match your preferences.

ASINS and Amazon product categories 

Amazon utilizes categories of products as well as product identification numbers to manage its vast inventory of products and aid in returning the best results for customers who look for products. You need to obtain both rights for the items you offer.

There are two key things to be aware of concerning Amazon products:

  1. They’re not identical to Google Shopping categories
  2. Certain areas are not closed but in other categories, you must seek approval before beginning to selling

ASIN is the acronym for Amazon Standard Identification Number. So it’s an Amazon-specific identifier for products in all of its listings. It can be found on the bar of address:

What if your product doesn’t have an ASIN already?

Perhaps you’re selling an exclusive product that has not yet been given the ASIN within Amazon’s databases. In this scenario, you’ll have to go through Amazon’s process to create a new item. When you add a new item to your listing on Amazon it is recommended to use that listing’s GTINs, or Global Trade Item numbers (GTINs). These include ISBNs UPC, EAN, and JAN GTIN-14.

To get a more thorough study of this subject read our blog on how to set up a brand new ASIN.There are other resources you can use: Correction of the incorrect ASIN mistakes in Amazon.


Amazon dislikes it when items are offered by sellers who do not have enough stocks to meet the requirements. Monitoring the status of your inventory on your listing of products is, therefore, crucial.

There are several choices:

  • In stock
  • X items left
  • Out of stock and a deadline when orders can be completed

You can ensure that this doesn’t happen to you, by employing an order management software like ours: Amazon Order Management. This will help automate processes of keeping your Amazon inventory current.

Control and list your items and products on Amazon by using PIM

PIM is the abbreviation for product information management. These are applications that assist you in managing your data for your listing of products on Amazon.

The manual management of this data (such as utilizing an Excel spreadsheet) quickly becomes a challenge and therefore, they’re a good tool to think about using.

By using a PIM, your list of product descriptions will be much more precise as well as you’ll reduce time. A good example of a trusted PIM is InRiver, which can be used in conjunction with AmazonBacker.


Spending the time to refine the look of your Amazon listings can make a difference for you as a seller. Your listings will be able to be more prominent which will in turn increase the visibility of your CTR and your CTR. Amazon has precise rules and policies.

However, If you are aware of what they are, it all boils down to writing great text, filling in all the necessary information, and then optimizing the entire process.

Amazon now has approximately 150 million paid Prime subscribers and many others visit to get ideas when they aren’t sure what to purchase daily. You may have already tried selling on Amazon or looking for ideas to begin then you’re ready to get started on this renowned channel.

Suraj Kumar

Suraj is a writer and entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience in e-commerce and selling on Amazon.

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