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How to Create an Engaging Amazon Brand Story

What exactly is the definition of an Amazon brand story? And how can I benefit from it for my company?

It’s not a fact that getting your business registered with Amazon will allow you to safeguard your brand’s reputation and access restricted features. The feature called “brand story” is one of the restricted benefits available on Amazon that are available only to registered sellers who are brand-registered and other vendors who are part of the Content Management program of A+.

Just above the Amazon A+ Content section on the page that details your product The brand story feature is a great spot to highlight your company’s USPs. What sets your brand apart from the competition? Discuss the founders and the people who created the brand. People love buying from friends and this is a fantastic chance to convert the clicks to sales.

You can create a single brand narrative and spread it across all of your ASINs, or develop your ideas (if you have enough time) and create content for certain categories or products. There are as many as 20 modules including the obligatory background.

In addition to adding more space to your page for products and being noticed There are a few important advantages for making use of Amazon story-telling for brands.

Increase the average cart value (cross-sells)

If you utilize the modules that provide links to other products from your website the majority of buyers end up purchasing several of your items. A small increase in the price of a cart can be significant particularly if they just click on an advertisement once, but end up purchasing at least two of your items.

Make your brand human to make it more appealing to your customers emotionally.

Establish a relationship with your customers that differentiates you from other sellers of widgets. Today, people want to be able to support brands that they care about. They need a reason to be concerned.

Brand recognition

Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t give brands the most favorable chance to build their brand. As the world’s biggest product search engine, it’s simple for consumers to compare products based on price, reviews, and images by themselves. A well-crafted brand story will allow you to establish trust with your customers which means they’re more likely to remember you when they purchase repurchases or new products.

Craft a Compelling Amazon Brand Story for Success

Amazon is by far the largest and most visited eCommerce site globally. It is a thriving product-selling marketplace that is accessible on the internet. In essence, anyone who has physical products can make them available for purchase on Amazon. The seller can sell items on Amazon according to their model of business and objectives. If you are planning to sell your product on Amazon then you must fight against other sellers. Making a compelling story for your brand can be a great method to boost your sales and visibility. Brand stories from Amazon can help make your brand more attractive to potential customers.

Amazon’s brand story is accessible as a scrollable, carousel where sellers who are registered with a brand can showcase their company’s values ethical principles vision, mission as well as the people and manufacturing process that goes into making their products, as well as highlight their catalog of products and their brand story. It is available for both Amazon sellers as well as vendors, a branding story is a complimentary marketing option similar to the A+ content that is located over the A+ of the product’s details page (PDP) The Amazon brand story can be displayed as a scrollable carousel comprised with customizable modules in which companies can present their brand’s story, engage with shoppers and ultimately boost sales.

Amazon first introduced brand stories in 2020 and has since improved this feature, allowing greater flexibility instead of sticking to the same template. Brands can now select between four different options that can be customized to showcase their values and story as well as displaying products and links to the store owned by the brand.

In this case, I’ll describe for you the Amazon branding story which reflects the brand’s subject matter.

Features of Amazon Brand Story

Amazon Brand Registry offers access to two types of brand stories.

There are two types of brand stories available:

  1. Brand
  2. Brand Carousel

Basic sellers can access the Brand, while A++ and A+ Premium sellers have access to the Brand Carousel. Both features offer great opportunities for enhancing branding and boosting sales.

Modules of Amazon Brand Story

There are four types of modules for brand stories, along with the Brand Carousel background, which is one of the most crucial elements.

brand story module 13
screenshot capture from sellercentral.amazon.com

You can include as many as 19 modules in one Brand Story.

Let’s take a look and determine the dimensions they require to be used for images.

Brand Carousel Background

On a desktop, the background or primary image is essential because it creates the brand’s identity and makes the other components stand out.

On mobile devices, it’s more essential to present a prominent image that is visible since there’s less space to frighten your visitors and encourage them to scroll.

Here’s an illustration of a visually appealing background image that will give a potential customer a sense of what the brand’s image will create a feeling for them:

amazon brand story module 12
screenshot capture from sellercentral.amazon.com

The size of the main image on desktops is 1464px 625px. The primary image for mobile is 463px 625px. You can also add a headline (30 characters) and body text (135 characters).

Do you need to include the optional text on your Amazon brand story’s background?

Not necessarily. Certain brands opt to use beautiful images or logos, and maybe an arrow that says “scroll through here”.

When you design the background for your carousel remember that the first two modules will take care of the bulk part of the area, therefore you should design appropriately.

Brand Story Q&A

This is an excellent module because you now can manage the narrative.

In the form of questions and answers, it is possible to dig deep into the place where your brand’s origins lie what it represents, and what you are hoping to accomplish. This is a great method to establish a relationship with your customers and to show your character and mission.

For the Brand Q&A module, you have:

  • 600 total characters 
  • Option to answer up to 3 questions

You can choose from the following ones: 

  • How did we get our start? 
  • What makes our products unique? 
  • Why do we love what we do? 
  • What problem are we solving? 

You may also come up with your inquiry. Find something you want your customers to know about – something that makes you stand out and then answer it here.

Brand Logo & Description

This module is ideal for introducing your brand. Add your logo and a brief description.

Pro Tip: Adding your product description you can get help from saas services to generate Amazon product descriptions.

Standard Company Logo Module
Image from sellercentral.amazon.com
brand story page aloe cure module
Image from sellercentral.amazon.com
Brand Logo Module
Image from sellercentral.amazon.com

Add your logo with dimensions of 315px by 145px. Also, you can add up to 500 characters to present your brand.

Brand Focus Image

This brand-focused image feature is an excellent area to display stunning, brand-specific images. Bring customers in with beautiful, high-quality photos, and keep sharing your story.

The majority of brands utilize the image module for their brand to create and tell their story by the guidelines for visuals.

Love Crunch is a great example of utilizing these sizes to create elegant and visually appealing layouts that captivate customers. This demonstrates that brand stories don’t need to follow Amazon’s default subtle white format.

Love Crunch a+ content example
Image from sellercentral.amazon.com

The colors here are consistent and they’ve stepped outside of the box in their designs. I love the addition of customer reviews that show the product’s use (although typically Amazon isn’t a fan of this type of information). This kind of content helps customers to scroll through and visualize the product within their daily lives.

Standard multiple module image A
Screenshot from sellercentral.amazon.com
standard image module a

In this section, you will find an image background that measures 300px x 300px measurements. There are also options for headline text (30 characters) and body text (135 characters).

Brand ASIN & Store Showcase

This is a unique module because it gives you an easy connection to your online store (you can learn about the many advantages of having your storefront branded through Amazon) and four images with ASINS.

This sample from Civant is an innovative way to organize the module in a way that is appealing and innovative. Even though you’re required by law to upload a photo of the ASIN does not mean that it should be in a boring white background. Utilize this advantage for your benefit!

sample from Civant
screenshot capture from sellercentral.amazon.com
standard image dark text overlay
screenshot capture from sellercentral.amazon.com
brand store module 3
screenshot capture from sellercentral.amazon.com

Image sizes: 970px x 300px

You’ll need to add the headline with a maximum of 30 characters, and a link to your store with the store’s brand ID.

Here are some great examples and suggestions to make your brand’s story stand out.

What is required to create the Amazon brand story

Amazon A+ Content branding story. You must be an owner of a brand on Amazon and have been registered in Amazon’s brand registry. Amazon Brand Registry.

Once you’ve verified that you’re qualified to write an Amazon Brand story, you have access to the brand feature in the story.

The following elements are required to develop an Amazon brand story:

  • A brand name
  • A logo for a brand
  • A trademark registered
  • Three high-resolution images of the product
  • The cover photo (brand-focused image)
  • An About the Brand statement

How to Create A Brand Story On Amazon

Step 1: Create your own Amazon branding page. This is the place where you can upload your branding images and tell the story of your brand.

Step 2: Once you have set up the Amazon branding page, you’ll need to make a story for your brand that addresses these questions:

Who is your brand?

Introduce your brand briefly and explain what you do.

What are your beliefs?

Be sure to mention the value of your brand your distinctive selling point, and the reason you are there.

How did you begin?

Let us know the origin story of your brand.

Who are your customers?

Please describe the type of customer who purchases from you.

What issue do you want to address?

Define what you need from the product/service meets.

What makes you different?

Show why you are superior to your competition.

Keep track of some things. They include:

Target audience:

Consider the person they are and think about what they would like to achieve. What language do they speak? What are their main issues?

How do you hope to send?

It is essential to be concise and clear. Your target market needs to be able to comprehend the essence of your brand and what you have to provide them.

How do you best convey this message?

If you’re aware of who your audience is and the message you wish to communicate, you need to think about how to convey that message. This is where the creativity is crucial.

You can use images and texts to tell your story. Be sure that it’s sure to grab your viewers’ interest. If you’re looking to show how you will tackle customer problems using videos, you can do so to showcase how your service or product is in action.

Your brand’s story must be memorable and distinctive. It should also reflect your overall strategy for branding.

How to Upload a Brand Story

Amazon Brand registered sellers can use the A+ Content tool, which is located under the tab for advertising to publish their brand Story for publication on Amazon. The process of creating a brand story on Amazon is straightforward. The steps to follow are:

Step 1: Sign in to your Amazon Seller Central account.

a+ content manager
source: sellercentral.amazon.com

Step 2: Under the Advertising tab, click on “A+ Content Manager“ from the drop-down.

Step 3: Press to “Start creating A+ content” button.

start creating a+ content manager
source: sellercentral.amazon.com

Step 4: Tap to “Create a Brand Story.”

type of a+ content
source: sellercentral.amazon.com

Step 5: You’ll be taken to a new page, which has your Brand Story screen. You will need to enter your Content Name and select the language you want to use.

Step 6: Insert your background image and text. Be sure that the text is legible and clear. The image you choose should be high-quality and accurately represent your brand. The image must also be scaled properly to fit the size of the screen.

brand story module 1
source: sellercentral.amazon.com

Step 7: Click”Add Modules” Step 7. Click on the “Add Modules” button and add your modules.

Step 8: Add your ASINs selecting them. Select the “bulk upload” option if you wish for your story to be displayed across all your brand’s ASINs.

apply on product ASIN
source: sellercentral.amazon.com

Step 9: Once done, click “Review and Submit” to submit your brand story.

The art of writing a winning brand story for Amazon

Keep it real

When you write your story for your brand ensure that you stay true to the voice of your brand and its message. Don’t pretend to be someone that you’re not. It will appear unauthentic and might deter people from being engaged with your brand’s story.

A few ways to stay authentic is to use first-person pronouns such as “we” and “us” and also tell stories and personal stories that help to personalize your brand.

Engage the audience

A compelling, well-crafted brand story can be engaging for the reader and keep their interest from the beginning until the close.

To achieve this, ensure that your story is written well and enthralling and has a strong start and middle. Then, you can conclude. It is also important to incorporate images as well as other visual elements to make the text more interesting and make it more exciting.

Introduce your brand by opening with a statement and telling the background of its origins. This is how you will grab the attention of your customers and provide them with an idea of the persona of your business.

Stay current

It is crucial to ensure that the story you tell about your brand has relevance to the customers. This involves writing about subjects that are interesting to the audience and using language they can identify with.

If you’re not sure about the kind of people your audience is looking for, you might consider doing market research or calling them directly to get feedback.

Make it unique

There are many brands to choose from which is why your story should be unique enough to stand out from the crowd. One method to achieve this is to focus on what makes your brand distinctive in terms of your company’s goals, vision, mission, and values, or even the product offerings.

You could also include customer reviews or success stories to show how your brand’s message has positively benefited customers.

Make it more relatable.

As I said before that your audience must be able to understand the story of your brand. This is why you should write about topics relevant to their lives, and using language they can comprehend.

It’s also crucial to demonstrate how your brand can assist users solve a challenge or make their lives better in a way. This will make a connection with your readers and make them appreciate the value of the services you provide.

Amazon Brand Story A+ Content Examples

Here are two Amazon brand stories examples that illustrate

Charlotte Home Furnishing Inc.

This is a furniture brand. Charlotte was in the company for over 18 years. She has been registered by the BBB (Better Business Bureau).

They make an array of vanity fair items that are carefully curated interior decor items that are designed by a professional. It is a top retailer of wall artwork, European tapestries, tapestry tablecloths, cushions, Afghan throws table runners, and table mats. They also sell handbags, table runners bell pulls, decorative accessories lines, and other gifts.

Charlotte Home Furnishing Inc
Image Brand Story 1

Queensland Quintessentials

This is a cosmetics brand. The family-owned and operated business products in Queensland assist them with two aspects: family and lifestyle. They create excellent products that last for the family they have built and you too.

Queensland Quintessentials
Image Brand Story 2

What Makes a Great Brand Story?

We highly recommend hiring a professional with Amazon expertise to design your brand’s content. Consistency is key and experienced Amazon designers know how to ensure your content is optimized and uniform across product detail pages, infographics, A+ Content, and your Amazon Brand Store. For inspiration, check out the video below showcasing great brand storytelling.

When Amazon first introduced the Brand Story feature, we saw some stunning examples. Here are a few of our favorites:

1. Civant

Civant’s brand story is simple, clear, and efficient. Their skincare products are presented with clean visuals and concise text, making their message easy to understand. High-quality images complement the straightforward communication.

Civant brand store
source: sellercentral.amazon.com

2. Pawstruck

Pawstruck’s creativity shines through its festive layout, using holiday-themed elements that make the pages feel like presents. Their calls to action, like “Pawfect for Large Chewers” and “Upgrade to Premium Dog Food,” are engaging and memorable. Their A+ content is innovative and visually appealing. Well done, Pawstruck!

Pawstruck brand store
source: sellercentral.amazon.com

3. Silk Road Organic

Silk Road Organic takes its product seriously, and it shows. They effectively communicate their mission and values, highlighting USDA Organic certification, non-GMO, and cruelty-free practices in their desktop background for constant visibility. They also showcase their women-owned team and commitment to giving back, adding depth to their brand story.

Silk road organic store
source: sellercentral.amazon.com

4. Pink Stork

Pink Stork stands out with bold colors, large fonts, and striking images. The founder’s face is prominently featured alongside an inspiring quote and a subtle call-to-action that invites customers to “swipe to discover more.” The design keeps customers engaged and curious.

Pink Stork Brand Store
source: sellercentral.amazon.com

How to Make Your Brand Story Stand Out

As mentioned earlier, we strongly suggest working with a professional designer experienced in Amazon branding.

At AmazonBacker, we specialize in crafting compelling brand stories that make your company stand out, showcase your unique personality, and drive sales.

Want Us to Create Your Brand Story?

AmazonBacker has been optimizing Amazon listings since 2013. We can help you develop a brand story based on proven strategies that have helped our clients grow their sales from 6 to 7 or even 8-figure revenues on Amazon.
To request a quote, email us at info@amazonbacker.com and let us know you’re interested in creating a Brand Story. Feel free to inquire about our other services, such as Amazon Product Enhancement, video production, and listing optimization.

Suraj Kumar

Suraj is a writer and entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience in e-commerce and selling on Amazon.

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